Pruning Local GIT branches


GIT is an amazing source control system, although if there is not an automatic pruning policy setup, you can find yourself with hundreds of local branches.  I did some googling and didn’t find much on the topic, other than deleting branches one at a time!  I solved it myself and am sharing my solution here.

I could write some code that interfaces directly with GIT (I have done this before with Mecurial), although I wanted something quick and easy.


There are already a few tools that can help, it’s just a case of putting them together.

git branch

This will give you a list of all your local branches.

We want to filter these branches to the ones we’re interested in (i.e. all until a certain branch name).  There’s a great tool for searching:

grep BranchNameHere -B 1000

So we can use grep to find 1000 branches before the “BranchNameHere” is found.

Now we need to actually delete the branch:

git branch -d BranchName

(Uppercase D if you want to include branches not merged or pushed)

Then to get all this to work together we can pipe into each command:

grep branch | grep BranchNameHere -B 1000 | xargs git branch -d

To be safe, you can omit the last pipe and the preceding text to view what branches are going to be removed.

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